School Re-open Day

. Nirmala Matha Convent School ICSE,Vellalore

It opens and starts working again after it has been closed for some time.


11:00 am - 12:00 pm Nirmala Matha Convent School ICSE,Vellalore

The Investiture Ceremony is a solemn occasion where all the young students are prepared to don the mantle of leadership and discharge the responsibilities entrusted upon them by the school.

Orientation Programme

09.00 am -04.00 pm Nirmala Matha Convent School ICSE,Vellalore

Providing teachers an occasion to interact with scholars and artists in order to devise ways of making education a total experience. Providing skills and training in creative activities in order to improve class-room teaching techniques.

Prayer For Xth Students

10:00 am - 11:00 am Nirmala Matha Convent School ICSE,Vellalore

Special Prayer for Xth Student's for Ist Semister


10.00 AM Nirmala Matha Convent School ICSE,Vellalore

On this auspicious day of the year, do not forget to celebrate the gifts of life. Show your gratitude to the almighty for every blessing you have in your life. Happy Pongal