- Parents are expected to show due respect to the school authorities and teachers.
- Change of address or mobile number must be informed to the class teacher and school office immediately.
- See that your child carries books according to the time table.
- Do not permit your child to carry mobile phone or any other electronic gadget to the school.
- Parents are requested to sign the progress reports, answer papers and teachers remarks in the school diary and return them within the prescribed time.
- Parents have to meet the class teachers atleast once in a month.
- The participation of the parents / guardian on the occasion of the school authorities is compulsory.
- Provide breakfast without fail, pack lunch with drinking water, spoon and a towel.
- Avoid plastic items (snacks box, tiffin box, plastic spoons, carry bags, water bottles and pencil box). Use degradable containers only.
- Students who are weak in the school subjects are given special coaching by the concerned teachers.
- Parents are requested to pay the fees regularly and to keep the receipts till the end of the academic year.
- Students are requested to be in the school premises at least 10 minutes before the first bell. It is compulsory for students to attend the school assembly.
- If you have any complaint about the service rendered, please inform the Principal, Vice-Principal in writing.
- Special Coaching from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm will be provided for the students who are weak in academics.